Jibon is the youngest of three brothers, and lives in the north-east of Bangladesh. When Jibon was found to be severely stunted during a growth monitoring session, his parents realised they had to improve their baby’s health.
Growth-supporting sanitation
His mother started attending courtyard sessions by the community health promoter, where she learned about growth-supporting sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition habits. Jibon now loves to eat foods like eggs, milk, and khichuri, which have high nutritional value. Jibon’s health has gradually improved and he grew from severely to moderately stunted.
Jibon now loves to eat foods like eggs, milk, and khichuri, which have high nutritional value.
Handwashing device
Based on what they learned, Jibon’s parents decided to save money to build a latrine. Later in the year, the family invested in a handwashing device and soap. These healthy practices improved the well-being of all family members. This way families together with government and local companies create healthy villages.
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