Today is a very exciting day for us over here at Right2Grow for two reasons:
First, we are celebrating the national Right2Grow launch in Uganda, both virtually and physically.
Second, Right2Grow colleagues will present our approach at a quarterly meeting with the Netherlands Water Partnership, a network of Dutch water organisations. All NGOs working on WASH will be represented.
Why are networks and partnerships so important?
Locally led advocacy is one of the keys to empower communities and an important part of our Right2Grow approach. Right2Grow strengthens partnerships between local communities and their governments to make a joint analysis of what is needed. They can then support local solutions for better nutrition and WASH. Additionally, Right2Grow links civil society organisations, the private sector, and all levels of government to bridge the gaps between them. Building on meaningful community involvement and ownership, we can scale up these solutions with an integrated and multisectoral approach.
We need to work together to reach healthy nutrition and access to basic WASH for all.
Right2Grow is a Strategic Partnership between Action Against Hunger, the Centre for Economic Governance and Accountability in Africa (CEGAA), Max Foundation, Save the Children, The Hunger Project and World Vision.
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